Patio Pileta. Music and sound design. Theater performance by Vöcks de Schwindt. Ballhaus Prinzenalle, Berlin, 2024.
Der Zeit in der Dinge: Pelopincho. Music and sound design. Theater performance by Vöcks de Schwindt. Tatwerk, Berlin, 2023.
Cinema Resiliente. Music and sound design. Short film by Mora de Vicentis/Finnja Wilmer. Calabria (IT), 2023.
Guías. Music and sound design. Audio walk piece. by María José Trucco / Diego Anselmi. Cazón, Argentina, 2023.
Die Steuer-Erklärung. Sound design and mix. Performance of hannsjaa. Sophiensaele, Berlin, 2022. Theater Rampe, Stuttgart, 2023.
Träumerei des Verschwindens. Sound design and mix. Dance performance directed by Lina Gomez. Radialsystem, Berlin, 2022.
She´s ready. Composition. Short film by Nina Cavalcanti. Berlin, 2021.  
Non Fiction Time. Composition and sound design. Performance of Gabriela Turano and Paula Baldini. Centro Cultural San Martín, Buenos Aires, 2021.
Böse Bücher. Sound design and mix. Performance of Turbo Pascal. Bezirkszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda, Berlin, 2021/2022.
Die Schlichthäuser. Sound design and music performance. Urban installation of LA54 Colective. Kotti, Berlin, 2021.
Frühpunk Seánces. Music performance. Serie of 15 improvised-punk-songs concerts at Friday 11AM. Berlin, 2020/2021.
 Das Größe MINT Show. Sound design and mix. Performance of hannsjana. Sophiensaele. Berlin, 2019/2021.
Böse Häuser. Sound mix. Performance of Turbo Pascal. Sophiensaele, Berliner Festpiele, Theater Rampe (Stuttgart), Kulturkieser (Ausburg), Staatstheater (Braunschweig), Schwankhalle (Bremen), Lichthof (Hamburg). 2017/2019. 
Multilogue des Urbanen_Konglomerate. Sound installation with Dafne Narváez Berlfein. Kotti Shop, Berlin, 2019.
Amplify the Silence. Sonic art workshop in a squatted fabric, as part of the installation Die Häuser, of LA54 Collective. Berlin, 2019. 
Mastur  Bar. Vibratory installation mit Fabiana Faleiros and Cristian Forte. 10th Berlin Art Biennale. KW, 2018.
Poesie.Sound.Performance. Sound design. Texts: Cristian Forte. Haus Fur Poesie. Berlin, 2017.
Stadtsprachen Literature Festival. Sound installation by Rudolf Kollektiv. Collective multidisciplinary exhibition. Saavy Contemporary. Berlin, 2016
Neo Neo Dada. Sound mix. Performance of Burmester + Feigl. Sophiensaele, Berlin, 2016.
PrintNoize / World is On Fire. Performance. Exhibition of the collective Czentrifuga. Neurotitan, Berlin, 2016
Everyone Every One. Sound installation. Shanon Cooney dance piece. Ufer Studios, Berlin, 2015.
Absent. Synthesizer composition. Short film by Nikki Schuster. Berlin, 2015.
How is Now. Sound mix and Ableton live processing. Dance piece by Laurie Young and Johannes Malfatti. Sophiensaele, Berlin, 2014/2015. Antistatic Festival, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2015. NAC Dance, Ottawa (Canada), 2017.
Was ist Methaphysic. Sound design. Book/CD by Roberto Equisoain. Written in Pencil. Berlin, 2015.
Eine dritte Sache, die weder ein Traum noch ein Zustand des Wachseis ist. Performance for video installation by Mariano Ramis. 18m Gallery. Berlin, 2015.
Freischwimmer Festival. Sound mix and assembly of works by Rose Beerman, Simon Mayer and B-Open, among others. Sophiensaele (Berlin), Brut (Vienna), Gessnerallee (Zurich), FFT (Düsseldorf) and Mousonturm (Frankfurt). 2014/2015
Visible Undercurrent. Sound mix. Performance with Peter Player, Sasha Waltz, Meg Stuart and Mark Tompkins, among others. Sophiensaele, Berlin, 2014.
Sanctuary. Sound design. Performance of The Farm. Manner in Garage Festival. Berlin, 2014.
Strange Things for the Desert. Composition with Leiseylento for the exhibition INDIGENIA/Wixarika Mundus. We are Art Gallery, Minneapolis. 2014.
Schwarm Festival. Performance and residency with the Czentrifuga collective. Reitschule. Bern, 2014
Returning to Sender / Herzlich Willkommen – Bitte gehen Sie weiter. Sound design. Video installation by Dafne Narváez. Curation: Elizabeth Pichler. Haus der Kultur der Welt. Berlin, 2014.
KM 0. Sound design. Poetry performance by Erica Zíngano and Cristian Forte. Jury Award. Sound Out! Festival / Lettretage. Berlin, 2014
Lucky Trimmer #19/#20/#21/#23/#24. Mix and sound design. Dance Festival. Sophiensaele. Berlin, 2013/2016
Die Geschischte Von Soldat Elik. Sound mix. Directed by Santiago Blaum. Sophiensaele. Berlin, 2014.
100° Festival / Tanztage / Tanz in August Mix and operation. Dance and experimental theater festivals. Sophiensaele. Berlin, 2013/2016
Orgion. Composition. Installation by Cristian Forte and Dafne Narváez. Kotti Shop. Berlin, 2013
The Biotech Orchestra. Performance and composition. Ausland. Berlin, 2012.
Gaia. Sound design. Installation by Ana F. Furelos. Caja de Burgos Social Work Award. Tatwerk. Berlin, 2012.
MBOO. Installation and composition residency. Takuara Renda. Sapukai (Paraguay), 2012.
Andanzasenabarcas. Musician. Theatrical piece by Domingo Quispe Ensemble. Mandril Theater, Espacio Cultural Nuestros Hijos Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2011.
Piano Quartet in Clown Major. Musician. Play for children by Rotonda Teatre. Die Spukkomune. Berlin, 2010 / Circus of Cultures Festival. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2010.
Zwei. Sound design. Dance piece by Ruth Pezet and Gabriela Turano. Direktorenhaus. Berlin, 2010.
Atomino Experimental Art Festival. Sound mix and operation. Crimmitschau, Germany, 2010.
Entretejida. Sound design. Dance piece by Ruth Pezet. Prodanza Award 2010. Borges Cultural Center, Sabato Cultural Center. Buenos Aires, 2010 / Atomino Experimental Art Festival. Crimmitschau, 2010.
Sulky. Composition. Dance piece of 
Teresa Duggan. Sala Mediterraneo. BA, 2010.
Fama. Sound design. Multidisciplinary action for a library for the Blind. Apronovid. Tandil, 2009.
Ciego de noche. Sound design. Theater work of Romina Paula and Darja Stocker. Goethe Institute. Buenos Aires, 2007
Algo de ruido hace. Sound design. Theater piece by Romina Paula. Proteatro Award 2007, Metrovias Award. Espacio Callejón Buenos Aires, 2007/2008 / San Sebastián, Santander, Segovia (Spain), 2008 / Porto Alegre Festival on Stage (Brazil), 2009.
Frente Dionisíaco Pyra. Musician. Multidisciplinary performance. DC. Borges, CC Recoleta, Archibrazo, e.o. BA, 2007/2009.
Todos somos iguales. Sound design. Theater work of Cecilia Rainiero. Protheater Award. Beckett room. Buenos Aires, 2006.
Neblina. Sound design. Theater piece by Piel de LAVA. Proteatro Award 2006, S Award 2006. Espacio Callejón. Buenos Aires, 2005/2006.